SRW219 - The Angry Red Planet - "Captain... The Klingons Have Surrounded Uranus!" (Jacket CD)

Combining elements of surf, rockabilly, 60’s psychedelia, Morricone, 70’s TV show themes, vintage sci fi/horror, and a touch of sophomoric humour; The Angry Red Planet merges the sounds of the rock n roll’s early years with the punk and thrash of the ‘80s. An instrumental mutant hailing from Canada’s North West, creating unexpected and bizarre musical soundscapes... for those who dare!

The Angry Red Planet’s debut features vintage aural aesthetics channeled through unique and unlikely arrangements. Alternately blistering, ridiculous, and introspective, “Captain... The Klingons Have Surrounded Uranus!” is a warped journey through 8 disparate yet cohesive tracks of guitar forward instrumentals that don’t take themselves too seriously.

Buy it here -

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